TTT: Bk 3, Ch 3
"We are the fighting Uruk-hai! We slew the great warrior. We took the prisoners. We are the servants of Saruman the Wise, the White Hand: the Hand that gives us man's-flesh to eat. We came out of Isengard, and led you here, and we shall lead you back by the way we choose."

As he and Merry lay on the ground, they are

It is also clear that there are also Northern Orcs from the Misty Mountains among them. The larger and stronger Uruk-hai from Isengard are clearly dominant,

Ugluk then rouses the hobbits and

The Orcs passed around flasks of a strange liquor that, while burning to the throat, helped relieve the aches and fatigue in their strained legs. They even forced some of this vile liquid on the hobbits to help keep them conscious. I couldn't help but notice the similarity here to the use of the Elvish cordial called miruvor that the Fellowship shared on their journey to keep their strength up. Both drinks must originate from a similar source. But, just as Orcs are twisted perversions of Elves, this drink is extremely unpleasant to the taste in contrast to the fragrant properties of the miruvor.
The Riders of Rohan became aware of them when a scout observed them descending the slope of the Emyn Muil onto the grassy plains. Now the horseman stalked them and after some time the Orcs become aware of this. Further down on the edge of Fangorn, the Orcs make a camp and find themselves encircled by the Rohirrim, who remain out of sight during the night. Grishnakh comes upon Merry and Pippin and begins to search them. If he can find this powerful thing that they have, perhaps he can bring it to Sauron. Pippin plays with his mind a little, making Gollum-like noises and goading Grishnakh that the Uruk-hai will get the prize he is looking for. Out of anger and frustration, the Orc picks up the two hobbits and quietly carries them away from the camp. The Rohirrim had surrounded the band of Orcs in a circle, preventing their escape.
Now, out of sight of Ugluk and the others, he means to kill them. However, the ring and glint of his sword as it is being unsheathed gives him away to the Men of Rohan and they kill him. The other Orcs are alarmed by Grishnakh's cries and the Rohirrim charge the camp. The hobbits, who are passed over by the men, realize that they had been taken to the outside of the perimeter and were now free to escape. Using his free hands, Pippin cuts the remaining bonds with Grishnakh's sword and they run from the skirmish.
Merry leads Pippin to cover. For having studied many maps of these lands while in Rivendell, he guesses that they are along the banks of the Entwash, and this leads them straight into Fangorn forest. The news of the destruction of the Orcs never reaches either Isengard or Mordor, though the smoke that rises from their burning pile is "seen by many watchful eyes". Eyes of the forest and creatures that the hobbits will soon meet.
[Chronology: February 27th - February 28th 3019 T.A.]
Next: Treebeard
(revised 9/12/06)
I almost feel sorry for Ugluk and his personnel management problems.
LOL! But you know, as managers go. There's an Ugluk in every organization.
I should engineer an interactive quiz: Which Orc are you?
actually, I found a quiz for What Tolkien Character You Are. The results: 1) Gandalf (no surprise) 2) Frodo and 3) Merry. I won't include the link because in order to get the html, you have to install some stupid toolbar.
Here's the link though, if you want to have a go:
BTW, I know this chapter is kind of boring in terms of "inside information" but I searched and searched and couldn't find a whole heck of a lot of info on the Orcs.
There is lots of stuff on Treebeard. And I may even make a special post regarding the Istari (wizards).
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