The Disaster of the Gladden Fields
After the death of Elendil at the end of the Second Age, the Numenorean Exiles (now known as the Dunedain) had a new King. While Isildur was technically the new ruler of Arnor, his sovereignty extended to both of the realms by virtue of his being the eldest son. Isildur remained in Gondor to settle its affairs and see to it that his nephew, Meneldil, was left in command at Minas Anor. The army of Arnor, however, returned to the northern lands via the route that went across the Fords of Isen and west of the Misty Mountains to the capital of Annuminas.

A brief account of Isildur's journey and the tragedy that befell him is told in Appendix A of "The Lord of the Rings". However, Tolkien fleshed out the details of this story after the book was published and it is included in this volume.

As the sun began to sink on the thirtieth day of the journey, an army of Orcs some two thousand strong descended upon them from the forest. A mass of clouds had blocked the light of the sun, prompting the Orcs to reveal themselves from their cover to attack. Despite the fact that Mordor had been defeated, these Orcs were intent on destroying the Dunedain. Tolkien explains:
"The Orcs of the [Misty] Mountains were stiffened and commanded by grim servants of Barad-dur, sent out long before to watch the passes, and though it was unknown to them the Ring, cut from his black hand two years before, was still laden with Sauron's evil will and called to all his servants for their aid."Though the Orcs were likely unaware that the war was over, they were drawn to the power of the Ring and were fueled by a desire to please their master who they assumed was still engaged in battle in Mordor.

Elendur, Isildur's oldest son, beseeched his father to use the power of the Ring against the Orcs. But Isildur confessed that not only was the touch of the Ring too painful to bear but he had not yet the strength to bend it to his will. He despaired at his own foolish pride for not destroying it when he had the chance. As the battle raged, his two younger sons Ciryon and Aratan lay dead or mortally wounded. Seeing that all was lost, Elendur at last begged his father to flee himself.
"'My King', said Elendur, 'Ciryon is dead and Aratan is dying. Your last counsellor must advise, nay command you, as you commanded Ohtar. Go! Take your burden, and at all costs bring it to the Keepers: even at the cost of abandoning your men and me!"Isildur then pulled the Ring from its chain and put it on, disappearing from sight. The rest of the Dunedain were all killed save for one, Elendur's esquire who was named Estelmo. When he was discovered alive, he was able to bear witness to the events of the battle. Isildur made it down to the river, where he cast off his armor and weapons and jumped in. As hard as he swam, he was washed by the raging waters of the Anduin further south. He was barely able to get to the other side when he was caught in the tangled weeds of the Gladden Fields.
'King's son,' said Isildur, 'I knew that I must do so; but I feared the pain. Nor could I go without your leave. Forgive me, and my pride that has brought you to this doom.' Elendur kissed him. 'Go! Go now!' he said."
It was then that he realized that he had lost the Ring. It had escaped him, sinking to the murky bottom of the river. Desperately fighting his way through the mud and reeds of the shoulder high waters of the western bank, he emerged in plain sight of some Orcs who were patrolling the other side. They shot their poisoned arrows and Isildur fell backwards into the shallow waters, dead. No trace of his body was ever found by Elves or Men.

After the War of the Ring was over, however, more information would come to light that would help answer this mystery.
In "The Silmarillion", Tolken recounts is his essay entitled "Of The Rings Of Power And The Third Age" of how Saruman took a serious interest in the One Ring once the Shadow began to manifest itself again in Middle-Earth. When the White Council was formed in the year 2463, it began to focus its attention on the finding of the Ring. Saruman tried to assuage their concerns by asserting that it was not possible to find it and he theorized that it must have washed down the Anduin all the way to the Sea. Elrond, Galadriel and Gandalf were not wholly convinced and while they remained troubled they took no action at that time.

Once Aragorn was crowned King Elessar, one of his first duties was to restore the tower of Orthanc in Isengard and return the Palantir that belonged there. When the tower was searched, it was discovered that Saruman had accumulated many valuable items from Rohan. And behind a hidden door (opened with the assistance of Gimli), a secret closet was found. In it were two remarkable items that had passed out of memory:
"One was a small case of gold, attached to a fine chain; it was empty, and bore no letter or token, but beyond all doubt it had once borne the Ring about Isildur's neck. Next to it lay a treasure without price, long mourned as lost for ever: the Elendilmir itself, the white star of Elvish crystal upon a fillet of mithril that had descended from Silmarien to Elendil, and had been taken by him as a token of royalty in the North Kingdom."These objects could only have been found upon the body of Isildur. Therefore it was correctly determined that he had not washed down the river as previously thought. When killed, Isildur must have fallen into shallow waters, caught in the marshy reeds of the bank. This information ultimately helped to complete the story of what really happened at the Gladden Fields - an event that would determine the course of the Third Age, ending with the War of the Ring.
Next, we will learn the events that led Gandalf and Thorin's Dwarves to Bilbo Baggin's door on that fateful day in "The Quest For Erebor".
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