Welcome To Tolkien Geek...
...the place where some guy (me) went and blogged the entire book, The Lord of the Rings, chapter by chapter.
Update Announcement Coming Soon!
Update Announcement Coming Soon!
After many months of hiatus, Tolkien Geek will be embarking on a new project after the Memorial Day holiday.
Stay tuned. Details to follow!
Stay tuned. Details to follow!
For more about me or this website, you can read through the FAQs here.
Note: For the latest news regarding the movies based on "The Hobbit" see TheOneRing.net - - -
If you're interested in reading any particular chapter posts from "The Lord of the Rings" you can find them in the sidebar, broken down by volume. If you want to start at the beginning you can go here. Each post has a link to the next one for easy navigation.
There is also a series of posts related to selections from "Unfinished Tales Of Numenor And Middle-Earth" and some other miscellaneous essays on Tolkien's works. Links to these entries are also listed in the sidebar.
Whether you're a frequent reader or a new visitor, go ahead and sit back, kick off your shoes and explore the world of Middle-Earth from a fellow fan's perspective! Enjoy.

"It's about time that this 'Tolkien Geek' fellow got off his bottom and started posting again. I've been so bloody bored sitting here and waiting."
- J.R.R. Tolkien
A star shines on our meeting!
I don't think you've gotten one
post my fellow geek. Sad, sad, sad. Anyhow, I wanted to thank you for taking up such a laberious process of writing all of these entries. And for making your website look professional. Please, continue on with your work of wonder.
Elu Thingol
I just discovered this! I really like the idea. If I don't have the book with me, I can just come here. I'll come back, for sure. Keep up the good work.
Elen sila lumenna omentielvo.
This is the most interesting site about J.R.R. Tolkien I've ever browsed!
Thank you for the work.
The Road goes ever on...
For the real geeks:
What a great site.I am most impressed and have bookmarked this to return to.Thank you for all your hard work and effort.
I've been following your site for nearly a year now. My only complaint is that you don't post *enough*.
Mae govannen! Yay a Tolkien blog!
amazing...i'm trying to memorize de entire books so...his sure helps...
great job
Le suilad, mellon-nin.
I love your blog!
I wish you had a followers gadget.
As it is, I shall have to content myself with checking your blog often.
I love your 'J. R. R. Tolkein' comment. :)
Well, I must go now. I am a Tolkein fanATIC myself! :)
Noro go hul, bado go Eru!
~ Ëarwen Harethgalad ~
Thank you for sharing your love and knowledge with us.
I've been unable to find your analysis of the end of The Hobbit. Is it on line?
Also, as I've read your review and questions, there is a burning question I've wanted answered since 2002.
Why did Peter Jackson show Gollum remove Frodo's finger from the ring at Mt.Doom??
When I first read that chapter in the '60's, it blew me away that Tolkien left the will of Frodo in control as the physical ring perished.
what say you?
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