Tolkien Geek

Blogging J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" and other aimless pursuits.


Production News Data Dump

Well, it never rains but it pours. Throughout the month of October a flurry of news has hit the “official” internet news sources about this project. Rather than go back and make parenthetical update notes in the prior entries, I figured I would address them all at once.

Now doubt many of you are already aware of them but for house-keeping purposes I want to list everything we’ve learned to date (sources noted, and mostly linked):

1) The two-part project has officially been “greenlit” with Peter Jackson directing both films. Yaaaaaaayyyyyyy!

2) “The Hobbit”, parts one and two, will be in 3D.

3) Martin Freeman IS Bilbo. Says Jackson:
"Despite the various rumors and speculation surrounding this role, there has only ever been one Bilbo Baggins for us. There are a few times in your career when you come across an actor who you know was born to play a role, but that was the case as soon as I met Martin Freeman. He is intelligent, funny, surprising and brave—exactly like Bilbo and I feel incredibly proud to be able to announce that he is our Hobbit."
4) Several casting announcements for Dwarves have been made (Entertainment Weekly 10/21/10):

Thorin Oakenshield….Richard Armitage
Fili…Rob Kazinsky
Kili…Aiden Turner
Dwalin…Graham McTavish
Oin…John Callen
Gloin…Peter Hambleton
Dori…Mark Hadlow
Bombur…Stephen Hunter

The list keeps on growing.

5) Radagast the Brown has a role to be played by Sylvester McCoy.

6) And last, but not least, the New Zealand actors union has settled their dispute with Jackson which means we will definitely be revisiting many of the locations from “The Lord of the Rings”!!!

A full round-up of news (even more than you need) can, as always, be found at

My Chapter Two post is still in draft form and will be up within the week. Due to a favorable chance in my current scheduling I hope to have at least four additional installments up by Christmas.

See you soon!


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